Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Lessons Taught for 2005 (not necessarily learned)

1. Seek balance
2. Passion Rules reason
3. When In Doubt Don’t
4. Parents Get Old
5. Your Friends wont always say no for you
6. You cant say No all the Time
7. Seek Balance
8. Silence is provides the Greatest opportunity to learn
9. Beware of unwittingly burning bridges
10. Honesty is definitely NOT always the best policy
11. Know what you want
12. Know that you will not always get what you want
13. Know that you Should not get some of what you want
14. Seek Balance
16. The Path will not always be clear.
17. Have Faith
15. Seek God


Anonymous said...

Busy year, eh? Some good lessons, hopefully those not fully learnt yet were at least absorbed so that they will be remembered.

laroper18 said...

Re. No. 10: "Omission is betrayal". What do u think about that?

Rae said...


Re. No. 10: hmm, I guess I need to take what u say with a grain of salt then huh? :P ok, my real comment was: depends on the relative view of 'best'.

bassChocolate said...

Good stuff.

Honesty is always the best policy though. However it doesn't solve all problems, and many times it creates more. But it frees the conscience.

Diallo Dixon said...

I agree with BC...it doesnt always solve problems and many times can create more. Hence why its not always the best policy.