Jamaicans do not distinguish between bi-sexual and being gay... in my head they are 2 different things...
To be gay I Believe you are only attracted to the same sex... to be 'Bi' U are just extremely open and freaky sexually.
Are these views incorrect?
They're incorrect.As long as you're bi-sexual you're gay. If you're gay, you can be either be bi-sexual or just be attracted to the same sex. To understand better, it's like the Venn diagrams in Set Theory. (Mathematics)
Jimmy, stop smoking weed before you post comments nuh.
Bi's are greedy!
I agree with Jim Screechy. Bi's are really gay but think appearing freaky is better. Of course, I have been known to be wrong before.
Read Mad Bull's comment and weep Rae! I win this one! (insert evil laughter here)
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